Wednesday, December 3, 2008


WHEW! What a DAY!!!

I had to be at the office by 745 this morning for a Conference Call,,,,,,
We were VERY BUSY at work today!!! I mean, we didnt stop ALL day! I was on my feet, pretty much ALL day! I was even BUSY on my Lunch Break (with personal errands!)
Then I had to be sure I had my daughter at AWANA by 6p.m.
Then I just "hung out" in town till I had to pick her up at 730p.m.
SO have you done the math?? I was in town for 12 hours today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahhhhhh, it is SO NICE to be home!
I am not really complaining! I am thankful for my job,,,,,especially when other people are losing their jobs or they are being laid off!
It was just a VERY FULL DAY!!!
My feet hurt,,,,,I am tired!
and guess what?
I AM OFF TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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