Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Baby Sister

1st I want to say: Looks like the baby Mockingbirds have left the nest!!! and I dont see any "evidence" that the dogs got any of them! YAY!!!!

I am only working half a day today,,,,,I go in at 4:30pm and get off at 8:30,,,,,I should be using this time to get something done here at the house!!! But here I sit,,,,,,,
It's kind of like: WHERE DO I BEGIN??? LOL
Let me say this and I will get off here,,,,,TODAY IS MY "BABY" SISTER'S BIRTHDAY! SHE IS "30"!! (Kind of makes me feel OLD!!)

1 comment:

Robbin said...

He is handsome for sure. I love the picture btw and all the other ones Sara posted of you all.