Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I am watching SUPERNANNY,,,,,I never watch this show, I have seen it a "few" times,,,,

I just saw something really SAD!!
The Nanny is working with a family with 3 kids,,,,,,She has made the DAD step up and HELP OUT!! Like for example, she made him go to the grocery store,,,,,,,He said he had been to the grocery store before, but he had never gone and taken any of the children with him!!!!!! She put him to work helping with household chores and shopping and laundry,,,,,,,,

They interviewed DAD and this is what he said!!!!!!!!

He was talking about how things were BEFORE the Nanny came,,,,,,,
"I knew what I was doing, what little I was doing, But I was getting away with it and now,,,,,well, I'm not."


What is it with men not wanting to help out??? OR they feel like they dont NEED to help out???? OR they justify it by saying "well, I work full time."
Well, You WIFE works FULL TIME TOO!!!!!

sorry,,,,,,I just dont get it,,,,,,,

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