Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I have been a Birdwatcher for years. Today I saw something I have never seen. I have read about it but I have never seen it!
Hummingbirds in a state of "torpor."
It is a "state of hibernation."
I am a little confused because everything I have read about it says it happens at night????
I saw more than one hummingbird do this today,,,,,,I told my daughter maybe its because
it is SO HOT outside!?? I dont know??
During this state of torpor, their body temperature drops.
Here's what it looked like.
The hummingbird was sitting on the feeder. It would arch its neck back and put its beak up in the air. The hummers feathers were all fluffed up and its body was shaking and its mouth was open. I wanted to get a picture,,,,,but everytime I would try to ease over to the window, the hummer would "come to" and fly off!
But anyway,,,,,,it was very interesting! and I was very excited since I never saw it before!

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