Another night of Chaos and Confusion,,,,,,,
This Remodel sure has been an experience! I could share some "nightmare" stories.
But the truth is, the other stores in my District that have been through this process,,,,They have "nightmare" stories of their own!
So I realize, I am not alone!!
Construction crews dont know what they are doing,,,,,,oh, they are skilled at what they do, but someone up the ladder has DROPPED THE BALL!!! They havent passed along the necessary information in order to get the job done!!! I actually feel bad for the construction crews,,,,,they are lost! The right hand doesnt know what the left hand is doing!
No Communication! The whole project has been handled in such an UNPROFESSSIONAL way! Everything is up in the air,,,,,Everything is CHAOS!
Including MY life AND MY schedule!
A fellow Manager told me that when we go through our remodel it would bring me closer to the LORD,,,,,,LOL
She was sooooooo right!!!
Maybe just a few more nights and this will all be behind us!!!!
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