Saturday, August 21, 2010

I cant believe I havent written about this yet.....
The last three nights I worked, the guys were putting in new flooring.
This one guy reminded me of my brother in law. He even had a pony tail! He sounded like my brother in law, and he LOVED to talk!!
You could tell he would rather sit and talk than do the flooring,,,,,,LOL
Well, I found out right away that he is an artist! He told me LOTS of interesting stories!
He made a comment that he used to make good money doing what he does~~flooring, construction, etc,,,~~ until the economy went south,,,,,,he and his brother lost their homes, because of lack of work!
He told me how he put alot of of love and alot of his art in the home that he owned and lost! Each room had a Bible theme. It sounded AWESOME!
I said it sure was a shame he put all that work into that house and then lost it. He said "that just means GOD has other things for me to do" He had the greatest attitude, the greatest spirit!
The last night we were there together, he went out to his truck to get tools or something,,,,,,He came back with a painting FOR ME!!!!
I was in shock!
He told me all about the painting,,,,,There was a story behind the painting,,,,,,when he painted it, he was going through some things in his life~~Some things he knew GOD wanted him to do but he didnt understand why at the time. But then later on, it all made sense! There's lots of great symbolism in the painting!
I brought the painting home, my husband loved it! My husband even wanted to meet the guy!

Anyway,,,,the guy's name is David. I thanked him and thanked him for the painting! It is Amazing the people you meet in your life,,,,,,God always has a purpose and a plan! We dont meet people by accident! It's never just a coincidence!


Debra said...

And sometimes we entertain angels interesting. I would love to see a photo of the painting. What a great story!

Stacie said...

That's so awesome!!! =)