Well, I've had a few days off in a row,,,,,
and we have been SOOO Busy!
But, Thats the way it goes!
One of my employees agreed to keep my daughter while we were away.
and then we got to talking and she offered to keep our puppy too!
I am SO Thankful!
Our neighbor who usually watches her for us went to the Beach for a few days.
So I didnt know who we would get to "babysit"......
We thought we would have to cancel our little trip!
We went to a Pastor and Pastor's Wives Orientation with The Ga Baptist Convention in ATLANTA.
We were there all day Thurs, had a Banquet that night,,,,,~~filet mignon, lobster stuffed sea bass, apple pork loin~~,,,,,,They treated us like royalty!
They paid for our Hotel!
Then the next day they took us to Coke World and we ate lunch at The Varsity!
Then we had to rush home, pick up our daughter and our puppy,,,
We had about an hour at home then we took our daughter to a "Lock In" at Church.
Then some friends of ours took us out to dinner!
A very busy couple of days,,,,,but very NICE! I know it sounds hectic,,,,
But it was relaxing for me!
No work, No computer,,,,,pretty much No cell phone!
Today I got some housework done, I took an afternoon nap, and in a little while we
are going to take our daughter to a movie!
Life is such a JOY! I know it has its ups and downs,,,,
But as I get older and as I grow in Christ and our relationship grows closer and stronger,,,,,
I have less "downs" and more "ups"!!!!
and for that I am THANKFUL!
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