I read on FACEBOOK that this is National Daughter's Week,,,,,
I have been wanting to write about my daughter so this is PERFECT!
My daughter and I have SO MUCH FUN together!
Here I am 42 years old,,,,,I definitely do not "feel" my age!!!
Robbin makes me feel WAY Younger than 42!!
One night we were driving home from somewhere and Robbin said she wanted to hear some ROCK AND ROLL on the radio. So I changed the radio to a station I used to listen to. They were playing "The 80's At Eight". Well, that is PERFECT! That is some of my Favorite Music! Woo Hoo!
They played some Van Halen! Robbin rocked out on her "air" guitar! The next week she asked me again if we could put it on the Rock station. SO I did. We rocked out to ZZ TOPP! "Sharp Dressed Man"!! Awesome! I think my husband was a little jealous,,,,,,He asked me why she doesnt do things like that with him,,,,,LOL
Tonight, Robbin helped me fix supper. We ate and then we played Domino's,,,,,Just Robbin and Me! I kept complaining that my legs and feet hurt. I wanted to soak my feet. She came over and massaged my feet for me. I said, "Robbin, you dont have to do that." She said "I want to because you're my Mama." She said she knew I was hurting and she wanted to help me. That touched my heart!
Now we are sitting here watching TV together.
Robbin makes me laugh! We are so silly together!
This is my Beautiful Daughter. I love her with all my heart!
1 comment:
Your most special gift that GOD ever gave you for sure. The picture makes me smile. I'm glad you have her and I'm glad she has you. Love ya bunches and miss you more than ever. Love you both!
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