But I think it is time. On Sunday, Jan. 2 my husband and I ~~AND several members of our Church~~ Made the decision to go on a FAST.
It is something I have never done. and yet it IS Biblical!
To be honest, I really DIDNT WANT TO DO IT! I had NO Desire to do it!
But I was convicted,,,,I felt like I needed to. It was the right thing to do.
There is a "fast" called the Daniel Fast. Thats what my husband and I chose to do.
No Coke Zero's, No sweet tea, no meat, no processed foods,,,,,,,
I ate fruit and nuts and broth and fruit juice,,,,,,,,
I did it for 10 days. It is one of the hardest things I have ever done!
and I did it in a time period that was VERY Stressful: Lots of new things at work, Lots of different things at work.......new and exciting times, but also challenging times!
I guess the main thing that I learned from it is God is in Control! I couldnt have done it without HIS help! I feel closer to HIM than ever! and because my husband and I did it together, I feel closer to him than ever! During this fast, we had more compassion for each other, we were more loving, more caring, more giving than we usually are toward each other. and I hope and pray that doesnt end when the fast ends.
~~~Like I said, My fast ended after 10 days,,,,,,but my husband is still fasting.~~~
Jesus fasted and prayed,,,,,,In one example, the Bible says He fasted for 40 days and 40 nights.
Jesus said in Matthew "....when you fast..." He didnt say "IF you fast"
In Matthew, Jesus told his Disciples ~~If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you can move mountains,,,,But he then says, However this kind of faith doesnt come except by prayer and FASTING.
We know from the Bible that Paul fasted.
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