The other day on my day off, I found this moth! This is me holding the moth.
I was looking out my window,,,,,watching birds in the yard and I saw a mockingbird chasing something. But this "something" was pretty big and the mockingbird looked confused and a little scared! LOL
So I walked out into the yard and I found this moth! He was huge and he was just Beautiful!!
So I got my husband to come out and take a picture of me holding the moth.
Since then I have found out it is a Polyphemus Moth! It is named after the cyclops Polyphemus from Homer’s Odyssey for the startling eyespots on their hind wings.
It was a very windy day. The moth looked to be in pretty good shape,,,,,but then again I dont know. The mockingbird may have hurt him. He didnt really try to fly away. I took him to the back yard and found a nice safe spot on some jasmine and I put him there. I went back later and he was gone. So maybe he wasnt hurt.
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