Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween 2008

I heard my husband make the comment to someone,,,,,"I am a Southern Baptist Preacher and my daughter wants to be a WITCH for Halloween this year!"

Yes, we still take our daughter Trick-OR-Treating! (I couldnt go, btw I had to work)
Some of my most FAVORITE childhood memories are from celebrating Halloween!
We just believe that you can make something EVIL out of almost anything! I am NOT going to tell my daughter that she cant dress up and go Trick-or-Treating because that is SATAN's Holiday! SHE IS 7 YEARS OLD!
For her it is all in fun! She gets to DRESS UP however she wants! She also gets lots of candy! Thats it! Thats what it means to her! and I am not going to deprive her of that!

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