I have a couple of "extra" days off this week! The first day was SUN.
Then there was yesterday,,,,,,,
and Yesterday was NICE!!!!!!!!!
It went by too fast!
I got alot of things accomplished but I did some things just for me too!
and I didnt go ANYWHERE yesterday! You dont know how RARE that is for me! I am hoping for that for today too!!!
But anyway,,,,
Yesterday, We had the FUN experience of giving Skeeter, our bulldog a BATH! THAT was interesting,,,LOL Yesterday was pretty pleasant---Probably 85 degrees and VERY LOW humidity. so after the "bath" I just sat outside enjoying the breeze, enjoying the birds, playing with the dogs. Yesterday I also filled my hummingbird feeders and filled my other bird feeders,,,,,,the birds have been neglected for some time now at my house,,,,,,,,SO then I was able to enjoy the hummingbirds the rest of the afternoon!!
My husband helped me hook up our scanner to my laptop(we havent used our scanner in YEARS) But I have been trying to organize photos and I found some old ones that I want to scan in and save in my computer. So last night Robbin helped me scan some photos.
Another good thing about yesterday and today is I GOT TO SLEEP IN!!!! That is very RARE for me too!!!! Usually on Tuesdays we have a conference call at 745 am,,,,this week it was canceled!!! YAY!!! A BLESSING FOR ME!!!! =o)
My husband is sick with an upper respiratory infection. Since I was taking some days off, I was HOPING we could go somewhere! But I guess its a good thing we didnt since he is sick! and I must admit, it is nice to just stay at home,,,,,,,I hardly EVER get to do that anymore. Seems like such a small pleasure,,,,,something I used to take for granted,,,,,,,I am home less and less,,,,,its just the way it is for now,,,,,,,,,,,
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