Friday, May 28, 2010

Time Off

I am taking some time off,,,,,,Using some vacation days,,,,,,,
We are having a Church Party at our house,,,,,
I have been CLEANING for 3 days!! lol
I havent watched TV, I havent been on the computer,,,,,,
I HAVE been sleeping in a little tho! I havent been setting my alarm clock.
To me, thats really being on vacation!!
It's hard work now,,,,but thats OK,,,,,,the Party will be great!
and I am getting SO much done!! My husband is helping me, My daughter is helping me.......
We have thrown SO much away!!! We have boxed up alot to give to charity,,,,,,,,
Whether we were having a party or not, it still needed to be done!
It will be SO WORTH IT when we are finished!
Well, as my daughter said yesterday, "Back to the old grind!"

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