Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My time off has to come to an end,,,,,,,,,

well, tomorrow it's BACK TO WORK I GO,,,,,
I have had 7 days off and it has been NICE!
Wed. thru Sat. I worked SO HARD! Then Sat. night we had our Church Party here at the house. It was Nice! We had a Great time! I think there was around 21 people here.
I said, You work three days for a three hour party,,,,,,LOL
But it was worth it!

I did all that work and so yesterday and today I have been SO LAZY! Yesterday I did NOTHING! Today I did a little bit around here,,,,,,a VERY little bit!

Tonight we had a WMU meeting at Church. We had a Guest Speaker from WMU GA Baptist Convention. Her name is Beth Ann Williams. Such a GOOD meeting! It's always good to hear of ways we can make a difference for God's Kingdom!!!

I have enjoyed my time off! Spent time with my family. Spent time with my Church Family. I spent some time watching birds,,,,,,,I have learned that we have several nests around here with baby birds in them!!!! I got to watch the hummingbirds!!! I got some much needed rest!
Now its back to work,,,,,,but thats OK! We have a busy summer ahead of us! and only 31 days till our BIG FAMILY VACATION!!! We are all so excited!!

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