Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I have lived in Georgia for 15 years and almost that whole time I have complained because I never see "rabbits"!! I see armadillos, raccoons, foxes, bobcats,,,,,,I never see rabbits!

Well, let me say, THIS WEEK, I have seen more rabbits than the whole time I have lived here!!
I saw this rabbit in my yard today! I was excited and upset all at dogs are going to get that rabbit!!! :-(
They kill armadillos all the time!
I watched him for a little bit and took a couple of pictures,,,,I went back a few minutes later to look again and he was gone,,,,so hopefully, he heard the dogs barking and maybe he left for good!
Anyway, Last night I saw rabbits on my way home from work. My husband and I took an evening ride and I saw some rabbits then.........and I see this cute little guy today! I love it!

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