Sunday, September 28, 2014

Just wanted to jot down some random thoughts,,,,,,

My family has had kind of a rough year,,,,,,But I'll admit, I feel kind of guilty for saying that.
We havent had any serious illness, there hasnt been a death in the family. Praise God for that! 
But we have had alot of little NAGGING problems/issues.

Ive had some 'stuff' going on at work,,,,I guess Ive been spoiled and Ive had it toooo easy for that last year or so.
We've had 'vehicle' issues. A few months ago, I hit a deer while driving my husband's truck,,,I NEVER drive his truck. The car has full coverage Insurance. The truck does NOT. UGH!
So we have some wonderful friends who help us get the truck back to being 'drive-able' and then the motor blows up in it!!!  UGH! 
My husband accepted the offer to Pastor a Church just a few months ago. Now THAT is falling apart too! When he took the Church, he knew it had problems,,,,,But we never could have imagined how serious and how overwhelming those problems are! So now it looks like he will be stepping down here in the next week or so.

I am usually the eternal optimist,,,,,,and I believe GOD is ALWAYS GOOD no matter what! I always believe that things can and will improve! But when things start falling apart, I always want to know WHY!?!?!? But what I've learned over the years is ....I guess I am not always supposed to know the reasons why.

I DO know this,,,,,,God's House is NOT a place for fighting, fussing, stress, negativity. God's House is NOT a place for power struggles.God's House is NOT a place for verbal and physical assaults! 

 Christ is the head of the Church. The Church is His Bride! If my husband and I are hurt and disappointed and broken hearted ,,,,then how does God feel right now?  I KNOW His heart is breaking right now. 

God help us! Ive been thinking of the Casting Crowns song,,,,,
          If we've ever needed you, Lord it's now.

God's Church is diseased, its sick, its dying! Is that God's fault? 
NO, as usual, humans have caused this and humans have allowed it to happen! 

I've also learned that God's people who want to do whats right, they dont really want to fight for whats right. All they want is peace! So they will leave and try to go and find peace somewhere else. BUT the people who are so "power-hungry", they WILL stay and fight! They dont have a problem with it AT ALL! 

I will not lose faith! I will continue to trust in the Lord! HE knows WHATS BEST!
HE will see us through! 
He always has and HE always will!

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